Shirt- Salvation Army Langhorne PA 1.99 (American Apparel)
Sweater- Hand me down from a friend (Calvin Klein)
Skirt- Salvation Army Langhorne PA $.95
Moccasins- Urban Outfitters 20.00 (Minnetonka)
Necklace- Columbus Flea Market 5.00
Cameo ring- from my mom
Plastic Ring- Columbus Flea Market 2.00
Belt- used to be my grandmother's
I really wish the weather would just warm up already. Today work was an average Thursday, and after work I went tanning with my BFF! I forgot what strange experience it is to go tanning- all the lights and noises and heat and lotions, yikes! The one and only other period of time I went tanning in my life was for Senior prom, so long ago. We went out to eat after our ultra violet experience and ate so much delicious food we both left with belly aches.
I've come to realize that we live in a really really small world.