Monday, April 11, 2011

Worry Wart

Dress- Salvation Army Langhorne PA 2.99
Brown Shirt- Gadzooks 8.99
Flats- Goodwill in Ewing NJ 5.00 (Target)
Necklace- From my mom
Ring- Claire's 2.99
Belt- Rummage Sale in Princeton NJ $.50

This morning I woke up early enough to actually enjoy my coffee and breakfast conversation. How nice! Work was long slow and boring- usually it's never like that! My boss is out of the office the next few days so it's harder to find tasks to keep busy. After work I went straight to ceramics (the teacher had to switch it from Wednesday to Monday due to parent teacher conferences this week) then headed to the gym with my BFF for a much needed workout. I ran into an old co-worker at the gym- it seems like everyone goes to the same gym I do, it's only a matter of time before I see even more people I recognize!
I find that at the end of most days anymore I'm so exhausted I can't wait to crawl in bed, but I'd rather be as active as I've been than sitting around like a couch potato like I used to.

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